20100319 photographs

On Australia Day this year I climbed to the summit of Cradle Mountain with some friends.  Here are some of the photos that I took before the clouds rolled in and the rain came down.

It’s a great place to take a long walk  :)

Photos taken on 20100126. Click any image for a giant version.

“Wombat Pool”

The mountain. You could see the top at this stage in the day.

Creative Commons License
All photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.

20091025 photographs

Over my back fence is a little patch of greenery that I’m quite certain doesn’t look as consistently green as this any more.

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The were some heavy winds across the state a couple of weeks back – we experienced a small amount of superficial damage to the house, but the trees down the hill (leading down to Fern Glade) suffered a great deal. There are a lot of broken branches, some trees snapped in half, while some of the largest have been tipped over.

Last week I wandered down the hill with the rest of the family to take a closer look at the extent of what had happened. Unfortunately, I don’t have any ‘before’ shots to give a better context for the photos, but in part it feels like a sizable section has been clear-felled by the wind.

(Photos were taken on 20091017)

Click images for larger version.


Creative Commons License
All photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.

Three buddhabrot

I’ve been experimenting with buddhabrot colouring tonight (actually, I think these are nebulabrot, although the colour composition isn’t as nice as I’d like).

Colouring is based on three passes with different parameters, with each hit on a pixel incrementing the colour channel (with saturation).

Click each one for a 1080p version.

Blue: 312-5,000  Green: 625-10,000  Red: 1250-20,000

Blue: 19-5,000  Green: 39-10,000  Red: 78-20,000

Blue: 10-5,000  Green: 5,000-10,000  Red: 10,000-15,000

20090627 photograph

dsc_6192-3cc by-nc-sa

A little water and compressed air can be a lot of fun.  Especially when photographing from a distance :)

I managed to get a lot of now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t photo sets through the course of the bottle-rocket session, so I was very happy to get this one where the bottle was still visible after launch.  A couple of launches later one of the bottles exploded, breaking the compressor nozzle and putting an end to the fun.

Taken 20090201 at dcypher with Andrew’s D70s.