Between wrestling with changelists and other matters, I experienced none of my own runtime bugs today. So here’s a photograph.

hint for Branch (r-form)
On Australia Day this year I climbed to the summit of Cradle Mountain with some friends. Here are some of the photos that I took before the clouds rolled in and the rain came down.
It’s a great place to take a long walk :)
Photos taken on 20100126. Click any image for a giant version.
The mountain. You could see the top at this stage in the day.
All photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.
Over my back fence is a little patch of greenery that I’m quite certain doesn’t look as consistently green as this any more.
The were some heavy winds across the state a couple of weeks back – we experienced a small amount of superficial damage to the house, but the trees down the hill (leading down to Fern Glade) suffered a great deal. There are a lot of broken branches, some trees snapped in half, while some of the largest have been tipped over.
Last week I wandered down the hill with the rest of the family to take a closer look at the extent of what had happened. Unfortunately, I don’t have any ‘before’ shots to give a better context for the photos, but in part it feels like a sizable section has been clear-felled by the wind.
(Photos were taken on 20091017)
Click images for larger version.
All photos are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License.
I’ve been experimenting with buddhabrot colouring tonight (actually, I think these are nebulabrot, although the colour composition isn’t as nice as I’d like).
Colouring is based on three passes with different parameters, with each hit on a pixel incrementing the colour channel (with saturation).
Click each one for a 1080p version.
Blue: 312-5,000 Green: 625-10,000 Red: 1250-20,000
Blue: 19-5,000 Green: 39-10,000 Red: 78-20,000
Our second daughter (well, her feet) on her second day in her first bath. Being held by me :) (I’m clearly not in shot)
Taken 20061102
A little water and compressed air can be a lot of fun. Especially when photographing from a distance :)
I managed to get a lot of now-you-see-it-now-you-don’t photo sets through the course of the bottle-rocket session, so I was very happy to get this one where the bottle was still visible after launch. A couple of launches later one of the bottles exploded, breaking the compressor nozzle and putting an end to the fun.
Taken 20090201 at dcypher with Andrew’s D70s.
Taken from the etc carpark in Elizabeth Town. It was late in the day, I had an unhappy one month old in one arm and we were on our way to Hobart. I grabbed the camera from the boot and snapped a couple of the sunlight through the clouds. Sometimes it just works – this is one of my favourite photos.
Taken 20061130.
Because this a Boilly painting from 1813. Apart from that, it almost could be :)
(With thanks to Aimee)
Taken at Sister’s Beach – not quite the shot I’d originally intended. While I was preparing (waiting for the camera to power on and focus), someone else picked up the shell and then put it back when they realised. Somehow this makes the shot is less “natural”. Maybe that’s just me.
Taken 20070707.
A much more recent photo of a wonderful personalised computer for and by my daughters (with a little help). I must say that I was enormously impressed!
Taken 20090401.